About Scot

Kodachi, Scot & Katana

I have been training dogs since 1979 and have been teaching dog obedience since 1981. I started with two Dobermanns that did well in obedience competitions. I currently have two Border Collies.

Katana is the only dog in Hawaii to compete and earn titles in the highest levels of obedience, Rally and agility. He earned his UDX (Obedience), RACH (Rally Champion), MACH (Master Agility Champion), and PACH (Preferred Agility Champion) titles, as well as numerous other titles in obedience, Rally and agility. He has won two High In Trial awards in obedience and has 43 perfect scores in Rally, along with 17 High Triple Combined awards, and 14 High Combined awards. He is now retired from competing.

Kodachi has also earned multiple titles in agility and is competing at the highest levels in competition. He is also competing in the highest level of obedience and has won 4 High In Trial awards. In Rally he earned his RACH (Rally Champion) title and has 75 perfect scores, 23 High Triple awards, and 22 High Combined awards. He is still competing and doing well.

I enjoy teaching obedience because it builds a better connection between dogs and their owners. The owners enjoy their dogs even more than before. My training philosophy is to teach you to train your dog to want to work for you, instead of having to work for you; to be a happy working partner. I will show you how to do this through motivation and positive reinforcement. Every dog is unique, so a variety of methods may be used. I believe that no matter the size or breed, every dog can learn and benefit from obedience training.

Dedicated to my one and only Katana

Thank you for your unwavering loyalty, dedication and commitment to our family. You taught me so much and were always happy to work and play with me. You brought me back to teaching obedience, rally and agility so that the owner can have a stronger bond with their dog. You were the only dog in Hawaii who competed at the highest level of obedience, rally and agility. You earned the Utility Dog Excellent (UDX) title, Master Agility Champion (MACH) title, Preferred Master Agility Champion (PACH) title and the Rally Champion (RACH) title competing only in Hawaii.  

I miss you every day but I am comforted in knowing that you can run fast and powerful again. Keep Dad company and I will see you at the rainbow bridge. Love you.

Scot & Kodachi competing in AKC Rally

Scot & Katana competing in AKC Agility